When it’s upside down, money controls people and destroys lives. It’s the #1 cause of divorce, a top-level stress contributor, and a common cause of suicide. However, when it’s right side up, money is a tool of a generous life helping people grow closer to God and each other.

  • It’s a reflection of your heart. (Matthew 6:19-20)
  • It's a privilege. (2 Corinthians 8:2-4,7)
  • It's faith in action. (Acts 4:32-35)

Giving to Torrey Pines Church is an investment in eternity because lives are being changed. We are here to help people take their “next right step” with God. It is our desire to honor God’s trust in us by using His resources wisely and for His purposes. We operate within His provision and recognize our responsibility to manage the resources He provides with integrity and faithfulness.

EastLake Church, Iglesia EastLake, Imperial Beach Church, Playas Church, Rolando Church, Torrey Pines Church, Venice Church, Zona Rio Church function as one church family in multiple congregations and in multiple communities. Working cooperatively as the Community Church Movement, all of our congregations work together to contribute and share resources so that we can go farther, faster. By sharing financial resources, staffing, and other gifts, we believe that we can accomplish more of the Jesus mission together than we ever could alone.

Online Giving

Giving to Torrey Pines Church is convenient and easy! You can choose to make either a one-time gift or a recurring gift at whatever interval fits your needs.

Please note that we do ask you to contribute to the church you primarily attend because we directly attribute all giving to each local congregation, although that giving is utilized for ministry needs and mission work both locally and across the entire church movement. Also, please be aware that we are unable to receive directed and/or restricted giving that is designated for specific purposes without prior approval from the lead pastor and board of elders.

Give to Torrey Pines Church

Mobile Giving

Mobile giving is a secure, easy, and convenient way to give using compatible iOS or Android devices. To get more information and download our church app for your device, click here.


Generosity doesn’t always mean writing a check, putting cash in an envelope, or giving online. There are many other ways that you can generously support the mission of our church in a way that makes a local, regional, and global impact. Such alternative options include:

  • Marketable Securities: These include items such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
  • Life Insurance and/or Will and Estate Plans: It’s possible for you to list our church as a beneficiary on your insurance policies and/or wills and trusts.
  • Estate Planning: You can plan in advance to make a gift to the ministry upon your passing. Deciding in advance is a simple way to both ensure that your life has a lasting ministry impact and reduce the stress and number of decisions faced by your loved ones after your death. We are happy to recommend legacy and estate planning resources to you upon request.

Have questions about how this works? No problem, simply contact us and our finance team will assist you.